Hi there!
I try to figure out what sort of blog that I want to write.. without any interesting idea on my mind, limited time and knowledge. Finally I decided to share my experience of starting a new phase of my life: being a father of my two charming prince and my two beautiful princess whose name are Iman Hafiy (19/02/2007), Siti Fadiyah (18/04/08) and Siti Fathiyah (20/11/2009) & Iman Hazim (19/09/2011)
Everytime I look at them.. I see hope renewed and how simple life can be.
* My thanks go to my beloved wife for showing me the real definitions of marriage and being the best mother for our kids..
Posted by
Adie Achim
6:43 PM
Saturday morning, we send mama to work. Mama was terribly late..
Pity her! haven't breakfast yet.. Before back we bought foods for her.
"Ma.. this pose is so cool!"
"Ma.. I haven't bath yet!"
In the evening we were invited to Ester's warming house .
What a reliefed since we already get sick at home.
Finally he's able to climb the ladder himself.. just fine!
She's trying hard to improved the skills..
"Dun you think I need a new dress Pa? It's shrinked!"
Emm.. guess so..princess"
"I wish can walk outside.. nyum nyum.."
Sunday morning.. move out to town. Having lunch and bought some stuff. We planned to buy another stroller for abang but the price killing. Can't stand to carry when he refused to walks.
"guess where are we?.. u r rite! UK!!"
"where else??"
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan PERMUSUHAN, dia belajar BERKELAHI,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan CEMUHAN, dia belajar RENDAH DIRI,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan PENGHINAAN, dia belajar MENYESALI DIRI,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan TOLERANSI, dia belajar MENAHAN DIRI,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan KEMEWAHAN, dia belajar PEMBAZIRAN,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan KESEDERHANAAN, dia belajar MENSYUKURI, dan
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan DORONGAN, dia belajar PERCAYAKAN KASIH SAYANG!
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