Hi there!
I try to figure out what sort of blog that I want to write.. without any interesting idea on my mind, limited time and knowledge. Finally I decided to share my experience of starting a new phase of my life: being a father of my two charming prince and my two beautiful princess whose name are Iman Hafiy (19/02/2007), Siti Fadiyah (18/04/08) and Siti Fathiyah (20/11/2009) & Iman Hazim (19/09/2011)
Everytime I look at them.. I see hope renewed and how simple life can be.
* My thanks go to my beloved wife for showing me the real definitions of marriage and being the best mother for our kids..
Posted by
Adie Achim
11:14 PM
Dec, 13th 2014
Those photos given by my colleague (middle pic.) Photo taken when she came to office, don't really remember for what reason. If not mistaken she was three or four years.. she looked fabolous with glasses.
My dear Jiji.. she got fever.. the third day.
We were worry terribly but keep on monitor his body's temperature.
Pity her.. learn to swallow pcm's tablet as she never had before.
So today mama bring her to see doctor and as we expected 'on-antibiotic'.
For her sake.. we will do anything..
But quite relief and glad there are nothing much serious.
I was touched when she kept on saying want to return back at our old house..
I make a promised.
Amin.. Ya rabbal al amin.
Posted by
Adie Achim
1:19 AM
19th February 2014
Pagi ni abang bangun, terus mama wish 'Happy Birthday' lepas tu papa pun wish juga, dia senyum happy "papa kasi surprise birthday saya ok". Papa senyum aja "Abang punya birthday hari jumaat lah.. sabar ah.." Hmm.. termakan jugalah si abang "Ok papa.. jangan lupa ah bagi surprise!"
Ready mau pergi sekolah agama. Wah hensem anak papa! dah besar.. macam sekelip mata 7tahun tu.
Masa abang di sekolah agama, mama&papa, jiji dan dedek keluar town beli persiapan birthday serba ringkas jer.. maaf bang bajet kritikal nie :p tapi nak juga surprise kan si abang.
Nilah kek kegemarannya "Fruit cheese cake". Menu lain frozen hawaian chicken pizza. Bolehlah.. Favourite dia juga tu!
Si baby pula tertidur... puaslah dikejut tak bangun-bangun juga!
Yang baby boy sorang ni, masih blurr apa yang sedang berlaku??? |
Akhirnya si Jiji awal-awal lagi dah pecah rahsia. Abang belum masuk rumah dia dah inform "ni hadiah birthday abang, ada kek untuk abang, mama masak pizza!" punya lah geram si mama, sedangkan dah pakat nak surprise. Akhirnya kek dibawa keluar dan semua nyanyi lagu birthday. Kira surprise jugalah.. |
Happynya si abang. Mohon ampun dan maaf tak dapat jemput. Saja nak surprise kan si abang dengan bajet yang ciput. |
- No matter how much you
grow up, for me (us) you are always going to remain the youngest, the
dearest and the smartest sonny boy.
Wishing you happy birthday and may all your dreams for the future come
Thanks to you dearest son, we can call ourselves proud parents. Have a great day and a great year ahead.
We have cherished all the priceless moments watching you grow up and we
will always remember these tender memories for the rest of our lives.
Birthday wishes and blessings are coming your way.
Many years ago on this very day, you came into our lives and brought us
happiness, joy and a lot of love. Happy Birthday to the best son in the
whole wide world!
Every single day since you was born, you’ve added something so amazing
to my world t
hat I can’t even imagine my life without you in it.Happy
Birthday my beloved son!
Every day you find a way to bring a smile to my face. Hope your birthday brings a smile to yours!
With love and best wishes to a perfect son for a wonderful Birthday!
Wherever life will take you, whatever endeavors that you choose, I will always be so proud of you! Happy Birthday, my son!"
Having a son like you is reason to be proud and happy - not just on your
special day, but always! Happy Birthday! Thanks for being you.
A day never goes by that you are not thought about with love, smile and
happy memories. Wishing you joy and happiness all year through!
Having a son like you to love is the dearest blessing by far. May your
Birthday be blessed with everything God wants to give you!
You are loved for the smart kid you were, the charming person you are
now, and the wonderful son you will always be! Happy Birthday to you,
Posted by
Adie Achim
12:59 AM
Hi there,
I love watching them grow and become
their own person but at the same time it is a bit sad, bittersweet as
they say. I have mixed emotions on that.
part of me is sad because they grow up so fast. Now they depend on us
on almost everything. And when I think about it, in some years or
so, they will start to do things their way. The thought of my kids
needing us less is really scary.
The other part of me is
happy that a little by little, they are learning to stand up on their
own. It only assures us that we have raised them well.
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan PERMUSUHAN, dia belajar BERKELAHI,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan CEMUHAN, dia belajar RENDAH DIRI,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan PENGHINAAN, dia belajar MENYESALI DIRI,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan TOLERANSI, dia belajar MENAHAN DIRI,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan KEMEWAHAN, dia belajar PEMBAZIRAN,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan KESEDERHANAAN, dia belajar MENSYUKURI, dan
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan DORONGAN, dia belajar PERCAYAKAN KASIH SAYANG!