Nano was jiji's fish
both were dead!
Main caused : over feed.
Fei maw died first, it was a big shocked to both abang and Jiji. Jiji try to understand the situation and kept repeated the word 'mati'. Abang known well as a cry boy, crying as if end of the world.
Abang : Papa, kasi bangun fei maw! dia sleep bah tu!
Papa : Abang... fei maw mati sudah tu.
Abang : Papa kasi makan dia. dia hungry ja tu..
Papa : Hmm.. mati sudah tu abang. Nda apa nanti papa beli yang lain.(*nda: tak/tidak)
Abang : hmm (stop crying)
Next died - Nano. same caused- Overfeed!. Both them seem to understand, abang- no cry and jiji- no word at all. I am glad that, I managed to gave them the idea of death.
Papa : Sian Nano kan abang..
Abang : Aah tapi nanti papa beli yang lain kan. (cheer's voice)
And now they learn, no worries for the lost. Papa will replace a new one. Ayoyo!