Hi there!
I try to figure out what sort of blog that I want to write.. without any interesting idea on my mind, limited time and knowledge. Finally I decided to share my experience of starting a new phase of my life: being a father of my two charming prince and my two beautiful princess whose name are Iman Hafiy (19/02/2007), Siti Fadiyah (18/04/08) and Siti Fathiyah (20/11/2009) & Iman Hazim (19/09/2011)
Everytime I look at them.. I see hope renewed and how simple life can be.
* My thanks go to my beloved wife for showing me the real definitions of marriage and being the best mother for our kids..
Posted by
Adie Achim
6:08 PM
As ussual abg welcome my arrival.. but I wasn't expect he wore Jiji's dress!
and he dont want to take off.. abang!!!!!!!

Posted by
Adie Achim
12:34 AM
My leg was bandages by mama.. see how abang envied!

Posted by
Adie Achim
1:52 AM
Posted by
Adie Achim
2:22 AM
For the very first time I've the guts to bring along abg to mosque (solat jumaat) Quite worried if he bothers me as he did when I perform solat at home... but know what.. he's so smart. he just sat quietly and follow what people did.. I mean he did solat as well! but he's really upset when he losing his songkok.. Once again he amazed me!!!

Finally Jiji can stands on his feet but only for 10 second and she fall..
No forward movement yet..

Big fan of AF!!!

This little sumandak is very bossy sometimes!
You have no idea!!
Posted by
Adie Achim
9:40 PM
Life goes smooth as well..

Abg try to make a 'peace finger'
Doesn't they look alike?

While waitin mama cook 'cucur ubi'
Doesn't we look alike?

"from now on.. this is my chair!"
Posted by
Adie Achim
12:49 AM

Time flies so fast.. we didn't noticed till ppl told us they're about same size..
Posted by
Adie Achim
10:34 PM
I have been thinking of making a scrapbook for abg and jiji for a long time. I always find excuses of not doing the same and blame them for my laziness. Now I have decided "Better late, than Never". I want the memories of their childhood (precisely babyhood) never to fade and hence will try to write this blog as close to them as I can..
Posted by
Adie Achim
12:47 AM
Show off our new greeny-wall

The best pose could be

Jiji first day out to playground

I hate when he climb up against

My boy! against the odd..

Yu bi du bi du..

Mama always complained he can't go down properly..

Finally.. abg can hang-up

abg kick! kick it out!!

He's naturally friendly..

Thanks mate.. we play some other times

So excited!!!

She's so adorable!

Listening 'Ruang rindu' by Letto

He's so into music..

And obsessed with handphone too..

"Very useful.. tell ma we need one"

Wah! what a mess!!!


Ouch.. sliperry!

"Ma.. look at the gold fish!"

"Emm.. no is not a gold fish!"

I can't remember how frequent we do shopping

and always this cool department!!!

Another series pics taken by abg!

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan PERMUSUHAN, dia belajar BERKELAHI,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan CEMUHAN, dia belajar RENDAH DIRI,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan PENGHINAAN, dia belajar MENYESALI DIRI,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan TOLERANSI, dia belajar MENAHAN DIRI,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan KEMEWAHAN, dia belajar PEMBAZIRAN,
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan KESEDERHANAAN, dia belajar MENSYUKURI, dan
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan DORONGAN, dia belajar PERCAYAKAN KASIH SAYANG!